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Trees From Above
True Spirituality comes with Hard Work and Dedication, there is this misconception that once you are tapped in, that's it, life is amazing, No! Whether you stay in the IFA system or not.  Spirituality is being able to sit with yourself and have true compassion. It is reconnecting with you ancestral roots, It educating yourself about yourself and the world. Its gaining perspectives and opening your mind to the possibilities. Spirituality is not against science or religion but combining them. It also means Healing, healing things we did not break, therefore be kind and patient with yourself you would not rush a car accident survivor. Healing is not always pretty and not everyone heals at the same rate in the same way, be patient with yourself and others.

- Apetebi Ifafunbi

Don't Like Labels

At first I really hated labels, then I came to realize labels are not by themselves a bad thing. How they are used and how people use them against one another is a whole nother thing. However, labels are good for us to know so we don't feel isolated in ones likes, dislikes, loves, hates, trauma, and/or experience. Treat your labels like a way to see how comfortable you are with someone by how many labels you give them. Because its super easy to look up a label. Like I myself a Woman---research----What is the average experience of woman? What do women like? Woman Biology? Women.

See so many options and i can explore myself as a woman like this to make myself feel less isolated and crazy. Label yourself to make it easier for you to research this aspect of yourself and to make it easier for the ones that love you to understand you. If they truly love you they will do the work to understand you because you are Worth it.

Think about it like this imagine if you had diabetes but you never found out, you would think you are crazy and would be suffering when there is help available and people who are experiencing what you are and can offer an empathic ear and real advice.

What Makes a Person?

Spirituality is the acceptance that we are apart of Nature, Accepting we are not above the forces a Nature.

With this comes the understanding we are also guided by those forces so lets get into how they play roles in us as Mammals/Humans/People. 

Understanding all Three Aspects are extremely important to understanding ourselves and our purpose in Life/Destiny. However, it does not matter which one you start with, there's more than one right way, trust yourself.

Types of Relationships with Source/God/The Creator/Etc.

This is for educational purposes only, argue with yourself about it 


The belief and following of one persons teachings and understandings through their journey through Spirituality.


The lack of belief in God and or Religion.


The Inner-standing that we as people are not above Nature and its Cycles but that we as well are affected by them and realize all our journeys are and will be different. That God, Source, The Creator created Nature and Humans/People are apart of Nature.

So now you've been reminded

What would you label yourself as? Remember more than one thing can be true at a time and there is more than one right way to be.

I am a Spiritual person, but I Practice one of my cultures religiously.

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